My Super Curricular offers schools a one-stop shop for super curricular provision. Our web platform contains a wealth of quality academic resources and recommendations that will allow students to extend their knowledge and nurture their intellectual curiosity. All resources are user-friendly, easy to access, search and save, and are selected by super curricular experts and subject specialists.
Access thousands of book recommendations, online courses, publications, links to useful websites, podcasts, videos, work experiences, competitions, university events and more all in one place.
Universities now see super curricular as a compulsory element of the admissions process. Those actively extending their knowledge stand out amongst other applicants.
Our mission is to make super curricular activities accessible and readily available to all students, giving them a competitive advantage for their university application.
Why Subscribe?
- Access thousands of curated activities and resources.
- Improve university acceptance rates.
- Raise aspirations and achievements.
- Get regular updates and recommendations.
- Achieve five key Gatsby Benchmarks and Personal Development Inspection criteria.
- Collaborate on a user-friendly platform.
- Like, share and save resources.
- Set up individual academic profile for each student.
- Record completed activities.
- Monitor and track student engagement.
Subscribing schools achieve up to 30% increase in university offers. Read one of our school's case studies.
Interested in a demo?
Reach out to us and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
About Us
My Super Curricular was born from our work as teachers and subsequently educational consultants. Over the years we supported thousands of students with successful university applications and super curricular exposure has always formed a vital part of that process.
Many students that we encounter are not aware of what super curricular is or how to access it, others are only know of wider reading requirements. Through our work we try to open their eyes to other opportunities and activities and show them the enjoyment of discovering the subjects that they love.
My Super Curricular provides an accessible one-stop shop solution that students can use to get started. We are passionate about creating a space where students can access interesting and enriching resources. Using our platform, they can continue growing academically, while improving their chances of getting accepted to their dream university destinations.